
‘Knock Down the House’ Review: Running to Win Hearts and Minds and Votes

‘Be Natural’ Review: Rescuing Alice Guy Blaché, a Film Pioneer, From Oblivion

‘Queen of Diamonds’ Review: Fear, Loathing and Misogyny

‘If the Dancer Dances’ Review: An Inheritance in Motion

‘Carmine Street Guitars’ Review: A Portrait of an Ax Meister

‘Fast Color’ Review: Can a Gifted Family Save a Parched World?

‘Grass’ Review: Eavesdropping in the Coffee Shop With Hong Sang-soo

‘Hail Satan?’ Review: Pitchforks, Black Clothes and Good Deeds

‘Breakthrough’ Review: A Remarkable Story of Survival, Told Through a Religious Lens

‘Teen Spirit’ Review: Elle Fanning Can Sing. Who Knew?

‘Satan & Adam’ Review: Two Musicians Team Up to Play the Blues

‘Master Z: Ip Man Legacy’ Review: A Martial Arts Master Roams Free

‘Long Day’s Journey Into Night’ Review: A Mesmerizing Chain of Associations

‘Her Smell’ Review: The Road to Rock ’n’ Roll Transcendence Goes Through the Gutter

‘Peterloo’ Review: Political Violence of the Past Mirrors the Present

‘The Fate of Lee Khan’ Review: King Hu Directs Angela Mao

‘Blowin’ Up’ Review: In a Queens Courtroom, Humanity Prevails

‘Suburban Birds’ Review: A Spectacular Directing Debut